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dear graduate

Robert Reich, said, “I feel I owe it to you to tell you the truth about the pieces of parchment you’re picking up today. You’re f*cked.”

That’s got to be some disheartening news. And while Mr. Reich has some good points, the point here, however, is HOW CAN I HELP? Or more broadly how can social media and the educational tools that are FREE online help you find your first, second, and third job? Perhaps even your career.

My Primary Perspective: regardless of your degree or direction you need to be able to write clearly. Communication is always been the core of success in business and in life. Your level of authority determines how many people you communicate to or even lead. How well do you communicate?

I got my degree in creative writing. What in the world good is THAT for? So, take heart, you can go from whatever degree you just earned and get into communications and it will help every presentation, every email, every contract you have to write from here on out. If you are so inclined, Social Media is pretty much based on writing. If you can WRITE, and write well, you have a head start over everyone else, regardless of your degree or desired specialty. So here are some resources that will can help you communicate more clearly and a few posts that should keep you motivated along the path toward your next job.

++ Your Online Toolkit ++

My College Education Manifesto: Love Money Ambition: Finding Your Sweet Spot and Career

Learning Resources:

  • Lifehacker U – year round free online education
  • LinkedIn Learning is included if you upgrade your LinkedIn account (a good idea, you can see all visitors to your profile)

Meta-Job Search Resources (set up several job searches and have these sites send you the leads every day)

  • Indeed and Simply Hired – sometimes they overlap, but often they will surprise you with different results
  • LinkedIn Jobs – you are on LinkedIn, right? Find out if there are any leads with connections to your network
  • LazyApply – AI to fill in applications – be careful with this one, make sure it’s filling the forms correctly
  • Your personal connections are going to get you a job faster than any “search” or “application” or “perfect resume”

Books that are invaluable in keeping your head above water (find’m in your library if you can – Amazon links for convenience)

A Movie You Need To See

John McElhenney — let’s connect online
Facebook & LinkedIn & The Whole Parent

Reference: The Commencement Address That Won’t Be Given, NY Times, CNN, Robert Reich.

Please check out a few of my books on AMAZON. Including this one on creativity.

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