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GOOGLE ADSENSE: Open Letter, Can We Start Over?

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In 2015 (A lifetime ago) I filed a formal appeal: Google AdSense Appeal 2015

Dear Google AdSense Authorities,

It’s been over two years since you killed my hopes and dreams of making this website a source of mailbox money. I’ve been working hard for six years, doing everything by the book, writing, promoting, and doing social media along with everyone else. Don’t you think it’s time you UNFREEZE my account?

A few things I learned, even from a week of AdSense participation.

  1. It’s not much money.
  2. I started thinking about clicks rather than what was important to write about.
  3. I sort of started whoring myself out.
  4. Maybe I have more authority and credit for NOT selling ads on this site.

Still, I think we could do some good work together. I’ve given you all of my stats. (Google Analytics) I’ve shown you my traffic and clicks for the week in question, when I was in MEXICO, btw. I’ve pleaded my case five times so far and gotten only your sad form letter.

Please reconsider our breakup. It makes both of us look bad. You, because you don’t respond as a human but only as a NO-BOT. Me, because as I’m trying to show businesses and individuals how to use social media, I have been timed out by Google. It just looks bad.


  • I promise I will never click on a link without the Publishers Extension installed and active.
  • I promise I will never use spammy techniques to try and drive clicks.
  • I promise I will never use click-bots or overseas spammers to flood my account or your clickstream.

Give me a chance. What do you say? I know I don’t have much traffic, and I know no human will probably read my request for reinstatement, but I’m doing the best I can to get your attention.

Thank You,

John McElhenney

PS: I promise to quit referring to you as King Google and using pictures of the Death Star to represent you.



Basically, I’m being put in TIME OUT for infractions I don’t understand and that Google won’t identify for me. My analytics are Google, too. You’d think they could see from the analytics that I’m not gaming the system.


Pretty much the same answer I got the last 5 times I appealed their ruling. See Denied By Google. And I guess today, this is the end of this saga. I’ll move along now and keep my integrity.

See ya Google AdSense, we hardly knew ya.

Today, in 2023, I was given the opportunity to enable Google AdSense. My run lasted less than a week. I’m awaiting the cooling-off period. I’m not sure there’s much I can do about spammer traffic and hackers trying to get into my servers.

John McElhenney — let’s connect online
@jmacofearth & Facebook & LinkedIn & The Whole Parent

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