Growing Your Google+ Influence: the BIGGEST GOOGLE PLUS tip
So, like any other social media technology or "platform," Google+ is more powerful if more people follow you. Or in G+ terms, "circle" you. So here’s the BIGGEST GOOGLE+ tip for growing your influence.
First you want to circle lots of people. And more importantly, you want to circle them in a way that you can sort them apart from your friends, or real friends. (We’re all friends in social media, in the big sense of the word.)
Finding more people to circle.
Once you visit the "Find people" tab, G+ will show you a lot of people with imaginary connections to your circles that you can then easily add to your "following" circle. (Following is the name of the circle I use for folks I don’t really know yet.)
Easy enough. You drag through all the little ID cards shown and pull them all into your "following" circle. (or what ever you want to call it)
And when you are just starting out you can repeat this process several times. Reload the page in the browser or click on the "find people" link again. Voilá another page full of people you can circle. When you are done this is the screen you should see.
Well done.
So now what happens now, is G+ has a 5,000 circler limit. (I don’t know if that’s finite, or if it’s a ratio thing like Twitter. Anyone have the answer to this?) So after you’ve filled your "following" circle you will eventually hit the limit. Here’s where the 2nd part of the strategy comes into play.
You need a nifty little Chrome plug-in called Uncircle the Uncirclers. (You are using Chrome as your primary browser, right?)
Here you can see the plugin doing it’s work with little red pacman icons, gobbling up the uncirclers from your life.
Rinse and repeat.
@jmacofearth (also seen on Google+: jmacofearth)
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See the Google Tools page & the Facebook Tools page and these other Google Posts:
- Twitter Lists Demoted, Twitter Favorites Promoted, NEW TWITTER Changes the Game
- Why Google+ Is Not Competing Against Facebook; The Google+ Platform Play
- The Most Important Social Technology – Going Global w/ Google Hangouts
- Google+ Circles: Understanding Your Public vs Private Social Networks
- One Google+ Extension To Rule The Stream; An Essential Micro-Review for Google+
- Problem with Google+; The STREAM is Too Fast – Filter the Stream or Pause the Stream
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03/17/2012 at 9:14 pm
Thanks Mr. Hound.
03/17/2012 at 7:37 pm
Nice post re. Social Media Strategies – esp. G+