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Is This Art?

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swimmer one - jmac x dalle
swimmer one – jmac x dalle – click to view video gallery


is this art? the ai gallery
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The conversation is getting harder to ignore. Music giants are sueing AI music companies with no understanding of how software developers work. Kill the company they will release their code into the creative commons and open source 5,000 music generating platforms. It’s like the MP3 files. Sony bet on miniDisc. That’s why you never hear of a Sony Walkman.

I don’t know the answer. I believe human generated art must fight back. Get out your pen, your brush, your guitar. Be human in ways the ai will never be able to capture or replicate. Learn to use AI. Make it your bitch. Get ahead of the curve now, before SkyNet is launched by Elon Musk.

I’d love you to read my first book about the AI v. Creative War.

CR8V.AI: The Creative Response to Generative AI Is Available Now!

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