Google PageRank: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Business
What Google does and doesn’t tell us about Page Rank is confusing. Let’s see what they tell us, what we can find out on our own, and what assumptions we can make.
What Google does and doesn’t tell us about Page Rank is confusing. Let’s see what they tell us, what we can find out on our own, and what assumptions we can make.
It’s a bit like English grammar and poetry. It’s part of the ART of Twitter. And by being creative we can make people smile. It’s not about business, it’s about spirit!
Stealthy and effective, the winning social media ninja can move projects through the darkness and opposition forces to achieve victory. Victory with or without the support of the entire cast of characters involved in the process, but victory (launch) nonetheless.
I believe in being honest on Twitter. And even if that gets a little heated, I also believe in outing the abusers or “gamers” of the system.
My manager said, “This is not your project. I’m going into a meeting. If it’s not my urgency, it’s probably not yours. Since I’m the one who manages your time and work.”
You don't have to be mean when you have a real point to make. In fact, you don't want to. If you have something real to say, being mean just gets in the way.
When someone wants to give you an object of value on a sale site, beware. A free piano is usually not a free piano.
In this trying time, everyone needs kindness. If you're too busy to give a candidate a real response, consider getting a different job yourself. That would be great.
Google's AdSense has a bad reputation. In the Do No Evil philosophy, AdSense does a lot of *bs*. Here's my 2023 experience.
Get up early. This should be your superpower. You can get more accomplished before anyone else wakes up.