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Social Marketing Strategy: Thinking Beyond the Page (VIDEO)

Category: social media,social media marketing,tech opinion,toolsjmacofearth @ 6:07 am

We create content as posts, news stories, press releases, but we often don’t think of the other ways we can socialize our creative ideas beyond the traditional web. In this video I show how using multi-format content across more social networks can increase the potential for your successful growth.

View Social Marketing with a Multi-Format Strategy directly on Youtube.

Here’s the heart of the video for those who are video adverse.

Screen Shot 2011 11 22 at 9.54.38 AM Social Marketing Strategy: Thinking Beyond the Page (VIDEO)

* click image for larger view

So next time you have an idea, consider creating a simple video, and powerpoint presentation that you can distribute across the social networks. This alone will increase your exposure opportunity by 3X. And the process can extend the sharable life of your content as well. As in this post, I created and posted the video on YouTube yesterday. And today I’m putting up the blog post and the powerpoint version on

You may have a great ideas and great content, so using all the formats and channels you can to maximize the potential for viral sharing.

So keep it social and let me know if I can help socialize your business results.

@jmacofearth (also seen on Google+: jmacofearth)


Check out the Social Media for Business page and these other posts about learning social media:

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