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The Sh*tshow of Facebook Marketing (case study in idiocracy)

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We know Facebook is turning to trolls and pornographic REELS to keep their shareholders happy. Their audience, the users, are not happy. I’m going to give you my primary issue with Facebook and the Professional Tools they offer that are more troublesome than they are worth.

What’s Wrong With Meta Business Suite

(Facebooks Professional Marketing Tools)

I manage a number of pages on Facebook. Some of them for businesses. Some are for my own promotional purposes. And some are just for fun. But here’s an odd thing, some of my pages must be managed through the MBS. Some of them allow me to jump from my personal profile directly to the page and the SWITCH to that profile to make changes. And yet another page allows me to make changes without switching. I can’t tell you which is why, or why some pages work differently than others. I can tell you MBS sucks. The pages that require my use of MBS are a hassle. Mostly, these days, to get around MBS, I simply switch to that profile and use external posting apps to add content.

This morning, the ever-helpful Facebook Business Support team messaged me.


Yeah, but that’s my JFF (just for fun) account. I don’t ever advertise it. So, thanks, but no.

fk off facebook business support

Wait, STOP doesn’t work? Hm…

even HELP doesn't work

And HELP is an unrecognized command?

block meta business support


Yes, I no longer want to get messages from your business support (spam) team. Thanks.

These messages are also what thousands of scammers are trying to use to get you to connect with a FAKE SUPPORT account. I report these all the time, but nothing changes. I get a “you’re page has violated community standards, if you do not contact us your account will be disabled and then deleted.”

Nope. That’s not how it works. Most of these are accounts with names like Business Support Staff 72. Yeah, real official looking.

What About the Safety Teams on META?

Oh yes, META has armies of below-minimum-wage workers from Thailand and Bangalore, but they often don’t understand the language of the post. Or they are working by some very rudimentary Filter-By-Hand instructions that limit or unpublish any post with the word “dating.” Why? Because advertising online dating sites or services is not allowed. Okay, but my post is about “online dating” not selling services or promoting an app. “Your post has been removed. Clickbait.” That’s their favorite one. “Clickbait.” I protest each one, they continue to make the same mistakes over and over. ChatGPT would do a much better job.

But, while we’re on META and SAFTEY and what violates community standards, let’s talk about REELS. Yes, it’s Facebook’s highest-performing section. Why? 80% of REELS is soft core porn. Young women bouncing up and down in tight athleisure wear. Yoga poses. Jogging. Dancing in place. It’s PORN, folks. Pure and simple. Good for the “bro” demographic. So, I often use the HIDE feature, and Facebook assures me that I will see fewer of the offending content. LIE. The HIDE function on REELS does nothing. Let me show you what I’m talking about.

This does NOTHING. I will still see the same number of REELS.

Let’s go see what this young woman is promoting, shall we?

Just wholesome entrepreneurial spirit. But this would be easily generated by AI at this point. Especially if you have a willing subject. There’s one of these REEL BABES that goes by at least 20 different profiles. (yoga lessons, yogini in training, etc.)

Okay, she’s been on for two months and has 21,000 followers. Wow, how did that happen? Okay, time to shut her out of my Facebook pages. BLOCK and REPORT.


After awhile I get tired of even fighting the REELS IS PORN virus. But, I don’t think Facebook should get a pass on this one. They keep talking about security. They force two-factor authentication. But the PORN is coming from within the house, not from my personal account. The safety inspectors DO NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH. And they are blocking based on RULES and DISALLOW MATRIXES that they don’t understand.

Meta Business Suite is a joke and should be killed or redesigned from the ground floor up. REELS should be BLOCK-ABLE as a category. Until then, we are stuck with META, the upcoming METAVERSE, and 3D headsets that are going to change our lives. Yeah. So, maybe Facebook is going to be the BEST AI on the planet. Sure. And they’re not going to use any of our interactions for TRAINING THAT AI, RIGHT?

NOTE: Please OPT-OUT of Facebook’s AI-training program with your data. Here’s the page to your FB and AI data. AI a META | Privacy Center. Go to View ALL RESOURCES. Notice the bottom link: How to delete your data from Do it.


META has proven repeatedly that they don’t care about users or privacy. They are in it for the money and for “shareholder value.” Let’s flip that to “customer value” because we’re going to have to fight to make META or Facebook better.

META is harvesting your data for AI

No. NO. NO!

Block them and hide them until Facebook deletes them.

block and hide reels

UPDATE 8-20-2024

Facebook removes posts of its own images from REELS. I was linking to this article.

community standards violation is REELS image

John McElhenney — let’s connect online
Facebook & LinkedIn & The Whole Parent

Please check out a few of my books on AMAZON. Including this one on creativity.

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