What’s All This Hashtag Stuff? If You Don’t Tag It, They May Never Come!
Here’s the quickest post I can write on why to tag your Tweets. AND you should tag your G+ posts too.
1. If I follow you, I’m going to see your tweets. (between 2,000 – 5,000 tweeps) IF I’m watching twitter at that time, OR IF i’m using a Twitter App and have added you to one of my focus columns. (then I never miss ANY of your tweets!)
2. If I don’t follow you I’m not going to see your tweets (millions and millions)
3. Therefore I am NEVER going to see most of the millions of tweets going on around me. EVER.
4. When I study a topic or market I used Twitter a lot to learn what people are Tweeting about. And the #HASHTAG is the only way to decipher and make sense of the crazy volume of tweets happening.
5. A hashtag gives me the search parameter to really focus in on my research.
6. No hashtag, no search hits. (I could search for SEO, but if I search for #SEO then I am assuming the entire point of the tweet is information about SEO.)
Yes, hashtag soup can be over done. People adding tons of tags to empty posts are not doing themselves or us researchers any favors.
The slide above is available on Slideshare.net: The Focus of the Hashtag on Twitter
@jmacofearth (also seen on Google+: jmacofearth)
permalink: https://uber.la/2012/04/why-tag/
Other posts to help you kick ass in social media:
- Blogger Manifesto: 1. Write; 2. Submit; 3. Converse; 4. Be Nice
- Google Drive! The Unboxing: Are You Prepared to Give Google Everything?
- Microsoft Retail Store – REALLY? SERIOUSLY? The Dream of a Windows World
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- Twitter Death – Suspended Accounts: FEAR THIS "Your account is currently suspended"
- Twitter 101: Hashtag Discovery & Business: How-To Do Social Media Marketing Research
- The Quick Course in Online Marketing: Big Picture (Social Media, Search Engine, eMail, Content Marketing)
Most people don’t really enjoy being mean; they do it because they can’t help it. (from Graham’s Hierarchy of Disagreement)
Tags: do you tag your tweets, hashtags, learning hashtags, the focus on hashtags, twitter, twitter hashtags, what are hashtags, why tag tweets, why use hashtags
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