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4 Responses to Distracted by the Metrics: How to Make Sense of Your Google Analytics Numbers

  1. jmacofearth says:

    Thanks for your comment John.

  2. John Rasco says:

    Excellent post…when you consider the importance of content to a) effective communication with prospects and b) effective site optimization, it’s a shame more people don’t look at their page stats. I’ve had a couple of clients who did not realize they were paying for clicks and getting zero site visit duration. The least you can hope for with paid search is that people actually read your landing page and learn about your business.

  3. jmacofearth says:

    Sergey, thanks for your comment.

  4. Sergey says:

    Having a lot of information may distract you from initial purpose, the reason why are you analyzing at the firs place? This post reminds you of simple questions you should ask when looking through big amount of information, thank you!

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