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How Many AI Co-Pilots Do We Need?

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AI is heating up to a boil. Many of the companies launched in the last 12 months won’t make it another 12 months, but I’m optimistic. One of the cooler functions I’ve been exploring is a personal CRM using AI. Currently, I’m running Apollo and Wiza. I have not gotten deep in the weeds with either tool. My startup is still in stealthy mode. But, when it’s not, I’m going to light up the emails and drip campaigns with a vengeance. (I will review Apollo and Wiza in a future article.)

What are you seeing in AI that works for you?

We’ve all used ChatGPT, BARD, and Right? But have you started building your own GPTs? And how about huggingface and trying your hand at other transformative tools? I know we’re all trying to figure it out together. I’m interested to hear from you what tools have actually transformed your life or business.

In my experience with ChatGPT from the week of launch until now has been fairly extensive. I’ve built a few GPTs for clients. I’ve helped write 100% of the copy of a global data center company with the help of one other writer and ChatGPT.

Hint: GPT is great for ideation. But you need a real writer with real editing skills to make the gobbly gook sound like professional copy. Cover letter for a new job? Bingo. Redo the bullet points of my resume? Yes. Dear AI, write my new elevator pitch for me and my next job. Let’s see.

The feed will be my resume, my LinkedIn profile as a PDF, and the bio page from my Amazon Writer profile. Let’s see how this goes. I’ll try all three BIG AIs. (I haven’t played with Perplexity yet. Stay tuned.)

data sources

ChatGPT says,

John McElhenney’s next best job would ideally leverage his extensive experience in strategic digital marketing and leadership roles. Given his background in managing cross-functional teams, optimizing billion-dollar business portals online, and driving creative branding and integrated marketing programs, a suitable role would be in a senior leadership position, overseeing digital marketing strategies and innovation at a large-scale, global company.

BARD says, ”

BARD plays dumb

Claude says,

And now seems to be paywalling and promoting their Claude Pro platform. And I can’t seem to get validated under either of my known email addresses. But it does show I’ve verified a phone number, I just can’t get Claude’s system to give me access. And when I ask about the problem I get routed to a help FAQ.

And if I want help, guess what my options are? Pay for PRO. Byeeee it was great working with you.

Score that 1 of 3 for my AI companions. I do like the tw0-sentence pitch that ChatGPT came up with.

Okay, if you are in need of “digital marketing strategies and innovation at a large-scale, global company” give me a shout.

John McElhenney — let’s connect online

Please check out a few of my books on AMAZON


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