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Job Search Assist: KINDNESS During Troubled Times

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You’ve seen them, you may have posted them yourself.


If anyone is looking for a job and I can help in any way, please reach out.



Often the message is lost on the 5 accounts your organic reach allows. And we move along. When someone DOES reach out, with a message like this:

referral request


There are four potential responses.

  1. Sure, let me find the hiring manager and get back to you.
  2. I don’t know.
  3. Here’s my referral link.
  4. Who are you, again?

Most of us are looking to provide the first one. I do it all the time. I used to be the highest poster of available jobs on a local Facebook Digital Jobs board. And EVERY SINGLE PERSON who connected with me for help was given multiple avenues to proceed. I want to help you. I’m going to investigate to see if I can find the right person for you. I don’t care about any referral bonus. This is about helping you, not me.

Maybe my past friend was busy at the moment. Maybe they were on their phone instead of a computer and needed to get back to the office before helping me. Or, maybe they didn’t want to help. Not clear on that one. But as I referenced in my 100 Proof Network post, if you can’t refer someone in your LinkedIn network, disconnect from them. It’s not worth the idea that you have an insider when their answers are 2, 3, or 4. None. Scratch them off. Sure, we can still be friends on Facebook, but when a moment arrives and you forgot me or our previous conversations, or you give me your referral link rather than help, we’re done. On LinkedIn anyway.

People help people. Networking among humans is more fun than networking with ai recruiters and scam artists. If you are human, offer help. No matter what. If you’re too busy at the moment, give a “let me check and get back to you” message. If you don’t have time to make a slight effort, our professional connection is ruptured. And, from your response, I’m guessing that doesn’t matter much.

The other two referrals have not replied. That’s better than a blowoff response. Let’s see how those two people respond in the next 24 hours on the Friday before the Super Bowl.

Here is the three responses from friends in my LinkedIn network.

LinkedIn referral request

I think that’s rather clear, right? The person on the left was busy, uninterested, and now de-linked with me on LinkedIn. We’ve known each other for 15 years. “Don’t be offended.” Um, no, just disappointed.

In your 100 Proof network, you need to be able to give a referral or connection. And for me, even if I don’t know you, I’ll investigate and see if I can assist in getting your resume out of the computer tracking system and onto the hiring manager’s desk.

If your connections are not 100 proof, I say ditch them. And when a connection responds with “I don’t know,” it’s time to cut bait and move on.

Go KC!

And if any of you are looking for a job and my network provides a hint of a lead, hit me up, I’ll do what I can to connect you, regardless of the bounty.

John McElhenney — let’s connect online
Facebook & LinkedIn & The Whole Parent

A few of my creative ai motions:

  • < a book of “whitmanesque poetry” with zero AI
  • Radio No Head < *ai* parsed music for you to sing and dream with
  • poə < my page about the ai poetry conundrum
  • hyper-soul < the science fiction exploration and world-building project
  • < my team for *ai* marketing and sales acceleration

Please check out a few of my books on AMAZON


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