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LinkedIn Today Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be

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LinkedIn in general has been going downhill since MSFT acquired them. Today, the site is little more than a job board. Yes, we all still post content, but it’s more out of habit. Other than recruiting and job hunting, LinkedIn has become a database for telemarketers, MLM promoters, and phone calls from your city. The Sales Navigator is a thing of horror or beauty depending on how you look at it.

You “can” enable 2FA it says on this page about the topic.

The snag for me, over the last three weeks involves this lovely screen.

LinkedIn's 2FA BS.

Regardless of what email I ask to be authenticated through, I have not ever gotten an email to allow me the privilege of advertising on the site. So, I try their chat support.

Three times, long wait, and “you are currently #1 in the queue” and boom. It disconnects. Okay, I think, I need to keep chatting with the chatbot so I’m not timing out. Nope. Disconnected.

Alright, let’s submit a support ticket.

Yadda yadda yadda. Send a photo id, tell us your mother’s maiden name, and NOPE. I did not lose access to the email addresses on file OR the phone number. Please validate using the methods you offer.

A little nastygram in the message from the help team reads, “Once complete please respond to this message, Failure to respond may result in your identity verification being removed prior to issue resolution.”

Today, six days after responding to the ticket that I’d like them to use the emails they have on file like they suggest.

Meanwhile, my chat queue has me at #13 right now.

Okay, then LinkedIn unHelp, I’m going to pause any ideas I had of spending money on your platform until 2024. Please fix the 2FA form and process. Please say it’s required instead of acting like we “can” or “cannot” use 2FA. And remember this is not a crypto trading account, your requirement to get photo ids etc, is bogus. Nope.

See ya next year.

John McElhenney —  LinkedIn

Please check out a few of my books on AMAZON

Especially this one, about living a creative and human life of intention and joy. 100% human generated – with the exception of ai-assisted spelling.

this creative life - john oakley mcelhenney


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