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Yes, Great Promotion, Thanks, What is the Cost?

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Dear Jetpack/WordPress/Automatic, when you send out a “transfer all your domains to us” but don’t list a price…

jetpack's priceless offer

Yes, I understand the idea of getting us to move our domain registrations. And I love you adding a second year for free. But what’s the cost? What’s the annual cost I will be paying?

At leat they didn’t do the noreply email address. Let’s see if [email protected] gets me an answer to my question.

Dear Jetpack, the offer is great, but what is the offer exactly?

When you begin clicking around the site you eventually get to the page on transferring your domain to them. The problem is, you can’t find pricing on this page either. What’s the big deal?

where's the price?

One of the things they teach you in advertising and marketing school, don’t bury the essential details unless they suck. All of this effort to get me to move my domains to them, but I can’t find the damn pricing. Yeah, that’s not a great user experience. UX. I’m going to wait and let you get your offer together. Once I can see the price I will know if I like your deal or not. At this point, it’s unnecessary NOISE.

It’s simple really. Make an offer, make it easy to accept the offer, yes. Get me deep into the form before you reveal the pricing that is actually more expensive than my current domain hosting. How would I know? Yeah, I like the free year, but if your price is twice as much, well…

How major marketers can still make this mistake is baffling. How we are being marketed to by the companies we already have a relationship with is good business.

Not revealing the price of your service or offering, even after a few clicks and scrolls? BAD UX.

Get it on, and share your price.

Update less than 24 hours later:

david from

Thank you, David, I’m pretty sure you have not answered my question. “What is your price?”

John McElhenney — let’s connect online
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