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4 Responses to Facebook Reach 2014: How Facebook Is Killing Itself

  1. jmacofearth says:

    Well that’s one way to look at it. I’d like to see something take the Facebook space and not kill us with ads and no allow us to see the Friends we ask to see.

  2. Google+ will never take over Facebook and that’s really not the point. Both platforms serve different purposes.

    I’m glad my friends are not there. All I see is quality content. I don’t want to have to hide pictures of food, kids, and cats or minute details about someone’s life a daily basis. 😉

  3. jmacofearth says:

    Of course, and while I love G+ it has not gotten the traction necessary to take-over Facebook. I wish I could convince half of my friends to move over, but it’s more like three.

  4. Google+ not good enough? Have you even tried it?

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