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The TwitterJoker Returns

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“Twitter you fail in so many ways, user-experience is one more whale of a fail!” — the twitterjoker

Here’s what we’re about.

  1. The twitterjoker believes that “social media” is a joke.
  2. Poking fun at scammers, pornsters and MLM/getrichies is all fair in love and war.
  3. The Joker was born out of a philosophy that Twitter is about 3 principles
    • Real Time (Tweet delays, schedulers, auto-feeding your Twitter via RSS)
    • Real People (at least honest businesses if your gonna tweet as a business)
    • Auto-Nothing (Auto-Bots, Auto-DM, Tweet-Delays, Tweet Generators)

Even the Joker can be wrong. And certainly the Joker can be an ass.

I am not an evangelist for Twitter. In fact there are some things about Twitter that I think are terrible.

  1. Fail Whale
  2. Reporting Follower Numbers
  3. Altering the @ process to alter their server load
  4. Having to edit and manage friends and followers via a 20 tweep-per-page interface

The main problem I see for Twitter (the company) in the near future is this:

  1. 10% of tweeters make up 90% of the traffic.
  2. 90% of Twitters server power is being drained by API calls on their data, not on

If Twitter is just the “instant messenger” of the moment, WAVE from Google is about to put Twitter to sleep for good. (I believe this, I am not floating funny ideas to be funny.)

  1. Twitter needs a revenue stream.
  2. Executweets probably is not the answer.
  3. Probably charging for our accounts is not an option.
  4. Validated accounts for celebrities, well, interesting but not a core business model.
  5. ADs on the Twitter site are irrelevant. See earlier information that only 10% ever hit the site.
  6. ADs on would be like ads on Facebook. They are out of context with the activity the user is trying to perform and thus they are ignored.

ADs into the tweetstream. Imagine if between inane tweets from your hundreds of users, something like this popped in as a tweet. “Skyy Vodka Sale today at Amazon. 75% off flavored vodkas, free shipping.*” I can tell you folks will be hoppin mad. The joker is sure to go on a rampage.

See The 1 – 2 – 3 Guide to Using Twitter


Head Joker: @jmacofearth (oh yeah, follow me on Twitter, and ReTweet Often!)


[Original Post Title: Twitter Acid Test – Discovery Beyond the Shiney Objects and Creative Avatars]

What are the criteria by which you choose to follow someone on Twitter?

TS = FUD (Twitter Satisfaction = Following good tweeps, Unfollowing shallow tweeps, Discovering new tweeps)

I have several “shiny object” criteria that attract me to click the “follow” link.

  1. A unique or attractive image.
  2. A unique or creative title that expresses something I am interested in.
  3. A bio that contains humor, self-awareness and beauty.
  4. Names or Bios that include the following concepts: writer, poet, poetry, musician, songwriter, cat, dog, animal tweets, enterprise 2.0, rock n roll.
  5. An awesome post, great link, something that makes me laugh, something that awakens my senses, senseless beauty, epiphanies, spirit.
  6. A retweet by a contact that contains any of the above qualities.

And in the same way there are a number of tell tale signs that the potential tweeter is not my cup of tea.

  1. A salesly name, bio or tweet with topics such as: real estate, sales, increase your twitter followers, let me show you how, business propositions, deals, tips, company PR channels, b2b, b2c, “social media”, expert, guru.
  2. An AutoBot Tweeter (AutoFollow and AutoDM after I have connected to them.) Cause if you’re an Auto-Bot I don’t really want to hear from you. There may be exceptions, and I don’t unfollow simply by being refollowed, but you your gonna follow me back do it in person, not via an auto-responder-out-of-office-automaton message. I don’t care how personal or happy you try to make the message, it comes across as fake. However, one word, that shows you actually looked at my profile, “nice bio” or “songwriter, eh?” is enough to make me smile. And that’s what all this is about, the smile.
  3. Forgetting the smile. All business and no fun makes for unfollowed tweeps.

There was an article about happy people hanging around other happy people. And how happy folks actually attract more happy folks. And being with someone who is happy can actually make you feel better yourself. And happiness is a lot of what we are here to BE. I am all about happy. If something you tweet makes me smile, giggle, or just feel a warm fuzzy, then I’m IN.

So the discovery of new Twitter people is fun and addictive. Just as finding new friends on Facebook can keep you up late at night, Twitter “following” is no different. But when your “following” count goes above 1,000 tweeps, how do you manage?

I tell you, my criteria gets pretty honed when I am reviewing the people I follow for dead wood. I use several tools.

But the basic task is flipping back through pages (20 tweeps per screen) and unfollowing the uninspired. And for that quick list the criteria becomes much simpler. So the Occam’s Razor of Twitter unfollows is this.

Does the Tweeter Follow Me?

  • IF NO. Do I recognize the tweeter? If not, they have probably not made any tweets that stick in my memory.
    • IF YES: Skip to next Tweeter.
    • IF NO: Do I still recognize my initial interest in following the Tweeter?
      • IF NO: UNFOLLOW.
      • IF YES: Keep and skip to next Tweeter.
  • IF YES. Do I recognize the Tweeter?
    • IF YES: Have they made any memorable tweets?
      • IF YES: Keep and skip to next Tweeter.
    • IF NO. Do I still recognize my initial interest in following the Tweeter?
      • IF NO: UNFOLLOW.
      • IF YES: Keep and skip to next Tweeter.

And to review, here is the Twitter Formula:

TS = FUD (Twitter Satisfaction = Following good tweeps, Unfollowing shallow tweeps, Discovering new tweeps)


Just BE REALDON’T AUTO-ME. And DON’T SELL at me. Many think Twitter is an advertising platform, well, folks, I guess if the entire web is an advertising platform then go for it, but TwitterSpam and TwitterPorn and TwitterViruses are becoming real and annoying. So by becoming an AUTO-BOT you are injecting your REALness into that SPAM stream. And, as my old dad used to say, “You’ll get what’s comin to ya.”

And to all the spammers beginning to pick up my tweet ID due to the rants, it’s funny, but not that funny. Or is it happening to everybody? My TweetSpam and TweetPorn is up about 20%. And I NEVER SUBSCRIBED to that SITE, SERIOUSLY. I don’t know what you are referring to… ;-0

Happy #dontfollowfriday Yall.


JOIN THE MOVEMENT for a TRILLION Followers, display your disdain for the spammers, scammers, players and manipulators proudly. Send us a screenshot or link to your page with the badge displayed and be registered to win a PURPLE iPod Shuffle. SWEET!

twitterjoker badgeHere’s my old side index, and a few projects I was starting/pushing/blowing up.
early index


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