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The API-sucking apps for Twitter are seriously where the fun begins and ends with Twitter. The network is cool, the followers (though I hate that name) also cool. But the apps working the network is where the real innovation is happening. What has Twitter proper done lately in the way of innovation? Fail? And did I read recently that 90% of Twitter’s server load is due to API calls and not people on So where will, or Biz and Co. at Twitter the company, add value? Cause if Twitter is just a network (and I’d argue that it is), it can/will be replicated and sucked down by Google or Microsoft or Oracle in a wingbeat. Pay attention.

Twittercounter (measure your growth, see effects of your strategies)

Tweetbeep (it’s like google alerts but for twitter)

picture 41 Visualizing Twitter Again: I Tweet Therefore I Am

tweetreach (how far do your tweets go?)

picture 43 Visualizing Twitter Again: I Tweet Therefore I Am

backtweets (search links on twitter)

picture 45 Visualizing Twitter Again: I Tweet Therefore I Am

twittervenn (venn diagrams using twitter data)

picture 46 Visualizing Twitter Again: I Tweet Therefore I Am

I still think for trending, TwitterVenn may be my favorite tool to show brand reach and currency. Example: So, do you suppose it’s just mac fanboys who are creating such a roar about Apple? Apple is 5 times more likely to be discussed than HP or Dell. And more than twice as frequently as HP or Dell combined. That’s Reach and Power combined.

Twittaholic (rankings by geo and topic)

Several Great apps were effectively killed by Twitters API 2 Update.

Tweetstats (charting the time of day and day of the week when you tweet)


twist (see trends in Twitter)

Did I miss one of your favorite visualization tools for Twitter? Drop me a line or a comment and I’ll add it to my list. THX

@jmacofearth (also seen on Google+: jmacofearth)


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