Flipping the Bird at the World: *Social Media* Cancels Itself
Today, your algorithm in the cloud knows where you are going to have lunch. It knows you're about to buy shoes and backpacks for both of your lovely kids.
Today, your algorithm in the cloud knows where you are going to have lunch. It knows you're about to buy shoes and backpacks for both of your lovely kids.
Sleep is the new drug. Get enough of it and everything in your life improves. Push yourself with caffeine, Adderall, nicotine, or any myriad of substances you're diminishing your ability to heal, be happy, and find optimism.
The big problem, or big disconnect for artists: no creative skills were required beyond prompts and my eye and decisions.
If the resurfacing content is an evergreen piece, I will often update and add to the information. Maybe a new graphic. A new publish date.
Occasionally I am asked about the most important books of my life, and being an English major in college, I am happy to oblige. Often my choices are more driven by creativity and fiction rather than business, with a few strong exceptions.
[We're all anticipating for Dune 2, on March 1, 2024.] In the tech room at a writing conference many years ago, we created a TOP TEN TECH/SCIFI movies of all…
There is no justification for an Apple Vision Pro at this moment unless you are looking to develop content.
The AVPro is going to change everything we know about entertainment and computing. The time horizon for that event, however, is several years off.
When I talk about Tribe, or "circle of passion," I am talking about a Business Groups and Activity-Based Groups.
Today, the Apple Vision Pro is about to rip AV and VR and "spatial computing" wide open.